Stories from us!

As an alternative to school-based performances, the troupe is seeking student-generated videos on social-emotional learning (SEL) topics relevant to teens’ lives. Students, parents, teachers, and counselors can access the stories, articles, & videos online at home and at school via MWAH!’s Web site and social media accounts.

Presidential Police-reform Executive Order Signed.

Presidential Police-reform Executive Order Signed.

The executive order, which was signed by President Joe Biden, mostly covers federal law-enforcement officers, but it has provisions affecting law enforcement of various jurisdictions throughout the U.S., such as the banning of the use of chokeholds and of putting pressure on carotid arteries as ways to subdue people.

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Mother’s Day Love

Mother’s Day Love

This is a brief video news story about a six-year-old boy and a gosling, which is a baby goose. 

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We Sing for Ukraine

We Sing for Ukraine

An alumnus of the Explosonic Rockers Street Jazz Theatrical Troupe (currently MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe) is featured in a rap segment of a special song by the Soul Children of Chicago focusing on the people of Ukraine.

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Amir Locke Update.

Amir Locke Update.

The court has ruled that no charges will be filed against the Minneapolis police officer for the no-knock early morning fatal shooting of Amir Locke, son of troupe alumnus Andre Locke, at the apartment where Amir had been sleeping. The apartment had been forcibly entered by the police despite not having a warrant issued for an arrest of Amir.

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