Humans Anonymous Podcast Review

After viewing Episode #3 in the series of Humans Anonymous Podcasts by Landon and Amaria Ballard, I’d like to convey my thoughts about that video.


I was totally impressed with how well Landon and Amaria approached the complicated topic of depression.


Not only did they do some diligent research regarding various types of depression, but they were able to connect this mental health condition in its various forms to their own personal lives – both past and present.


Both were direct, honest, and extremely helpful to others who may have had or may still have similar experiences.


In that my dad battled what is now known as catatonic depression for several years prior to his suicide when I was age 9, I truly appreciated not only the research on this topic by Landon and Amaria, but also their ability to discuss it with empathy, honesty, and clarity.   


I loved the reference to the family cat as she cuddled up in Amaria’s arms during the podcast and the heartfelt reference to the loss of their beloved dog, Minera, who passed away on July 5, 2022, after becoming a self-appointed guardian of daughter Bea after Bea was born about a year earlier.


The reference by Landon and Amaria to dolphins was both revealing and sensitive as they correctly noted how depression seems to affect all mammals in some manner, including dolphins and humans.


Landon and Amaria were truly prepared for this podcast, and they were totally into it even though the time was about 11 p.m.


As someone with a social work background as well as many years of working with struggling youth in a number of settings, I’d highly recommend Landon and Amaria as a winning young couple to all middle school and high school audiences as well as to older teens and young adults in their 20’s – even beyond!


Landon and Amaria not only have experienced their material, but they know how to convey it in ways that are honest, clear, and helpful!


One of their overriding messages relates to the ‘3-point shot concept’ – awareness of a problem, seeking out resources in dealing with the problem, and then continuing to utilize those resources in efforts to resolve the problem.


Both Landon and Amaria have utilized that concept.  They know it works.  And they want others to know.


Their Humans Anonymous episodes are posted on several social media sites, including YouTube.


Landon is Director/Producer of the MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe (Messages Which Are Hopeful!).  His phone contact is 815-621-4303 and his email address is



Ray Moffitt, ACSW

Board Chair

MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe (Messages Which Are Hopeful!)


A link to Humans Anonymous – Episode #3 – by Landon and Amaria Ballard is noted below.

Click Here to visit their YouTube page.


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