Music, drama help Landon Ballard spread message of hope

This story below story about Landon that appeared in the Rockford Register Star newspaper. This feature story – known as a ‘SLICE’ feature story (meaning a ‘slice’ of Rockford) – was written by Sarah Wolf, a media journalist at the newapaper, and published on June 25, 2015, when Landon was 16.

Landon Ballard starting playing guitar and drums when he was 12.

"I took lessons on guitar for a year, and my siblings are also musical, so they've helped teach me how to play," the 16-year-old says. He is otherwise self-taught, spending most of his free time practicing.

"Hopefully I'll be able to pursue that professionally at some point." In the meantime, he has performed for the past three years with Messages Which Are Hopeful (MWAH!), an inspirational troupe based in Elmhurst that visits area middle and high schools spreading a message of hope, love and empowerment over life's challenges. Ballard, who is home-schooled and will be a junior this year, found out about the troupe through family friends.

"It makes it much more enjoyable to do it with my brothers and sister" - Luke, 20; Leah, 17; and Levi, 14 - he said, explaining that being a member of the troupe requires a big commitment. During the school year, MWAH! does two Monday performances monthly, with full rehearsals the day before each. During the summer, rehearsals are every Monday. Ballard said a lot of travel is involved, too, with performances all over the state.

On May 18, the MWAH! presentation at Flinn Middle School included songs, dancing and dramatic narrations that tell the stories of teens who've faced issues like drugs, violence, depression, self-harm and suicide.

"I did some singing and playing guitar. We sing songs that we feel relate to our show. Matthew West's 'Two Houses' deals with the issue of divorce. We sang 'Hero' by Enrique Iglesias, too. It's just talking about how anyone can be a hero. It's more of a romantic song. We sing it to five students that the administration picks out."

Ballard said he gave multiple dramatic narrations, but the most powerful is the true story of Keenan, a 19-year-old who overdosed on heroin.

"I didn't know him personally, but I met with his dad, who really, really wanted Keenan's story to be in our program. (Keenan's family) are believers, so his dad said he knew where Keenan was. He said he knew he was in heaven. It was an incredible experience to speak to him (about his son's death), without him being in tears every other second. He was very calm and collected.

"I talked about Keenan's story and what he went through, and then I asked his dad to come up and share some things. I tell Keenan's story from a standpoint of lessons on how to avoid that lifestyle, which is how his dad wants his story to be told."

The troupe, which has become "like family" to Ballard, engages students in group discussion after every performance. Ballard is always amazed at the positive and open reactions to dealing with the heavy issues on which MWAH! sheds light.

"There was a kid at one school who looked like he was an older guy, kind of a jock with a lot of friends. He raised his hand because he said he had something he wanted to share. He broke down crying, saying that he had been a bully and that, because of the show, he wanted to change."

Along with that kind of positive response, Ballard's faith in God motivates him in each performance.

"I take it very personally to be able to spread this message of hope to every student to every school we go to. I'd say we're making a pretty big impact, not just to students but to staff. I feel like God is pleased with what we're doing." 


-- Sarah Wolf