Tips for Teachers to Support Students Amid Pandemic

Teachers, students, and families have experienced unprecedented challenges in the era of COVID-19, including the disruption of normal routines at home, in the community, and in school.  The American Psychological Association (APA) has created a list of eight tips for teachers to continue supporting their students from a social-emotional learning (SEL) perspective during this difficult time, regardless of whether instruction is taking place in an in-person setting or via an online format.

As the APA observes, “students may respond to the crises that they have experienced by showing abrupt changes in personal hygiene, sleep routines, weight, school performance, mood, disruptive behavior, and/or participation in activities.”  Since teachers and other school staff are among the adults closest to students during the school day, they are well-positioned to be advocates for their students.

Many of the tips focus on the value of checking in with families through proactive outreach; empathetic listening; opportunities to share feelings; and a commitment to maintain normal routines to the extent possible.  To view the full list of recommendations, the MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe invites you to visit the APA’s Web site.


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“What Is Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)?”